Showing posts from 2022

Perniagaan Tingkatan 4 Buku Teks

Perniagaan Tingkatan 4 Membalik Buku Halaman 1 50 Anyflip

I Think Therefore I Am Meaning

Descartes reasoned that since he was sure about anything he doubted he must also be certain about being certain. 49 rat…

What is Chap Goh Mei

The Chinese New Year is celebrated in Hokkien on the 15th night of. Its also known as the Chinese version of February 1…

Causes of Stress in a Teenager's Life

Help them figure out healthy ways to deal with stress. In 2012 suicide was the fourth-highest cause of death. …

The World is Your Oyster Meaning

Meaning of the world is your oyster There is relatively little information about the world is your oyster maybe you can…

Terjemahan Rumi Ke Jawi

Tulisan Rumi Ke Jawi 2021

Cara Nak Buat Tauhu Pok

Tapis soya sekali lagi. Cehh ia sejenis masakan cina kakakuda aku yang ajar sebab dia tengok dekat tv lepas tu aku jela…